- cash voucher
- витратний касовий ордер
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
cash voucher — / kæʃ ˌvaυtʃə/ noun a piece of paper which can be exchanged for cash ● With every £20 of purchases, the customer gets a cash voucher to the value of £2 … Marketing dictionary in english
cash voucher — / kæʃ ˌvaυtʃə/ noun a piece of paper which can be exchanged for cash ● With every £20 of purchases, the customer gets a cash voucher to the value of £2 … Dictionary of banking and finance
voucher — vouch·er / vau̇ chər/ n [Anglo French, summoning of a person to guarantee title, from voucher to summon] 1: a documentary record of a business transaction 2: a written affidavit or authorization 3: a form or check indicating a credit against… … Law dictionary
cash — includes all money in the bank, in the cash drawer and in petty cash. Banknotes, coins, bills and negotiable securities (like cheques) is cash. But so is the money you can draw on demand your bank accounts or savings accounts also represent cash … Financial and business terms
Cash — The value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a company. Usually includes bank accounts and marketable securities, such as government bonds and Banker s Acceptances. Cash equivalents on balance sheets include… … Financial and business terms
voucher — voucherable, adj. /vow cheuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that vouches. 2. a document, receipt, stamp, or the like, that gives evidence of an expenditure. 3. a form authorizing a disbursement of cash or a credit against a purchase or expense to be… … Universalium
voucher — vouch•er [[t]ˈvaʊ tʃər[/t]] n. 1) a person or thing that vouches 2) bus a document, receipt, stamp, etc., that gives evidence of an expenditure 3) bus a form authorizing a disbursement of cash or a credit against a future purchase or expense 4)… … From formal English to slang
voucher — /ˈvaʊtʃə / (say vowchuh) noun 1. someone or something that vouches, as for something. 2. a document, receipt, stamp, or the like, which proves the truth of a claimed expenditure. 3. a ticket used as a substitute for cash, as a gift voucher,… …
voucher — /vawchar/ A receipt, acquittance, or release, which may serve as evidence of payment or discharge of a debt, or to certify the correctness of accounts. An account book containing the acquittances or receipts showing the accountant s discharge of… … Black's law dictionary
Petty cash — Businesses often need small amounts of discretionary funds in the form of cash known as petty cash for expenditures where it is not practical to make the disbursement by check. The most common way of accounting expenditures is to use the imprest… … Wikipedia
redeem a coupon/points/a voucher, etc. — redeem a coupon/points/a voucher, etc. ► COMMERCE to use a coupon (= piece of paper used to buy goods at a lower price), points from a credit card, etc. to buy something: be redeemed against sth »Coupons, either in or on the pack, may be redeemed … Financial and business terms